10 Ways to Recoup Website Development Costs

Building a company website is an exciting step for any business, but the development invoice can be daunting. No worries! You planned for it, and you know that your finished website is more than just an online brochure. It’s a revenue-generating machine! Here are 10 ideas that can turn those development dollars into ROI:

  1. Unleash the Shopkeeper Within: Sell your products or services directly through your website. Whether you’re a merchant of fine handcrafted items, or offering expert consulting, an online store expands your reach and keeps customers clicking “buy.”
  2. Ad Space  (Prime Real Estate) Don’t underestimate the power of well-placed ads. Partner with ad networks to display relevant ads on your site, earning you money every time someone clicks or even just sees them.
  3. Be an Affiliate All-Star: Promote other companies’ products and earn commissions on sales. Be sure to choose products that complement your own and offer real value to your audience.
  4. Knowledge is Power (and Profitable): Offer exclusive content like articles, tutorials, or online courses for a subscription fee. This drip-feed of valuable information keeps users engaged and your wallet happy.
  5. Influence: We’re seeing a shift in how we look at Influencers. It’s no longer just the big names that people listen to. Increasingly, it’s experts like YOU who hold the power. Build a dedicated audience and leverage your website to partner with brands for sponsored content or product placements. Collaborations can be lucrative and expand your reach even further.
  6. Freelance Freedom: Showcase your expertise and attract clients through your website. Offer freelancing or consulting services in your area of knowledge, turning your site into a lead generation machine.
  7. Eventful Opportunities: Host online events like webinars, workshops, or live sessions. Charge ticket fees or accept donations to turn your expertise into income-generating gatherings.
  8. Digital Downloads Done Right: Create and sell downloadable content like ebooks, templates, music, software, or other goodies. This passive income stream keeps giving even when you’re not creating.
  9. Membership Perks: Offer exclusive features, discounts, or community forums for registered members. Tiered memberships allow you to cater to different budgets and maximize your earning potential.
  10. Open Your Heart (and Wallet): If your website provides unique value or supports a cause, consider accepting donations. Encourage viewers to contribute financially and show your appreciation for their support.

BONUS TIP: Your website is your website. It’s a blank canvas and should be viewed as your primary marketing and advertising vehicle. Fill it with high quality information that benefits your target audience. Post often. Gain insights from visitor analytics and constantly improve upon what those cryptic reports divine. Wash, rinse, repeat.


